Nails Clipped from £5
Bath & Tidy suitable for short haired dog only. From £35 small dogs (Jack Russell, Pug, Chihuahua etc) £35 (Labradors, bull dogs etc). No coat clipping or de-matting.
A bath & Tidy option will also be available for dogs that are clipped ie in between full grooms. But this option does not include any clipping & will cost approximately £10 less than the full groom price.
Puppy Intro free
First puppy groom (up to 6 months old) from £40 (Cockapoos, Labradoodles & larger dogs or dogs with matted coats will be more due to the time needed)
Puppy grooms after 6 months will depend on the size of dog and condition of the coat and whether they have been groomed before.
Full Groom Prices FROM (an accurate price will be given before the groom). Please note we will need to charge more for a matted dog:-​
- Bichon Frise £50
- Border Terrier £48
- Cairn Terrier £50
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel £48
- Cavapoo £50
- Cavachon £50
- Cockerpoo from £50
- Cocker Spaniel £50
- French Bulldog £38
- Jack Russell (long haired) £45
- Jack Russell (short haired no clipping) £40
- Labradoodle from £60 (small)
- Labrador £40
- Lhasa Apo £50
- Poodle - Miniature from £50 (depending on style)
- Pug £38
- Schnauzer - Miniature £48
- Schnauzer - Standard £70
- Scottish Terrier £50
- Shih Tzu £50
- Springer Spaniel £50
- Sprocker £50
- Terrier cross small £45
- Terrier cross large from £50
- West Highland Terrier £50
- Wire Fox Terrier £50
- Yorkshire Terrier from £40